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Welcome to All We Can

All We Can is an international development and emergency relief organisation that supports local people in some of the world’s poorest communities to find effective solutions to poverty and injustice. Focussing on those in greatest need, it has always been inspired by Christian principles and is an integral part of the Methodist family.

All We Can helps find solutions to poverty by engaging with local people and organisations in some of the world’s poorest communities to end the suffering caused by inequality and injustice.

Change happens when we all work together.

To do this we:

  • Support and strengthen local partners – organisations, churches, emerging initiatives and inspiring individuals that share our vision and values – to implement effective and sustainable solutions with some of the world’s poorest and least served communities
  • Respond to humanitarian crises with emergency relief and help communities to be better prepared for disasters.
  • Engage in global education to inform, challenge, motivate and equip people to take a stance against poverty and injustice.

  • How we use your data

    To find out how All We Can uses and stores the information you provide us, please visit All We Can's Privacy Policy.